Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Prayer Requests

First, I would like to start by saying that I obviously haven't updated this page in a long time. I have been trying to be more disciplined in spending more time with my family and dedicating awake time to being with them after work in the evenings. This has lead me to slow off a little bit on posting here as well as the "Rockport Views" blog. I do intend on coming back to this very soon, but I would like to like to take the time to pass along some prayer requests to those who do read this blog.

There is going to be a meeting very soon with the missions team at Rockport Baptist Church. We are going to be talking about taking a very strong turn toward a greater commitment to missions both local and global. This is very exciting but also very scary!

Second, pray for the upcoming weekend on Biblical manhood and womanhood. This event is hopefully going to be the first of many events to come on a much needed subject. Pray for the young people in and near Jefferson County, Missouri that their hearts my be changed and we might see congregations transformed by the work of Christ in their lives!


Jason Vaughn said...

Aaron you have no idea how excited I was to hear about biblical Manhood and Womanhood being taught at Bates Creek. I grew up in church and was NEVER taught such things. I think it will be an immense blessing. I'm still praying that we will get the same type of thing for young adults at Rockport.

If you need any assistance let me know.

Aaron said...

Jason, I appreciate your comment. This was something that was lacking in my upbringing as well. Unfortunately we are reaping the consequences of generations of this being lost as vital teaching within families and within the family of Christ.