Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Spontaneous Song by Bob Kauflin

There hasn't been much of an opportunity for me to sit down and really write out all that I would like to say about this year's New Attitude Conference...but I feel it very important to mention something that occurred during one of the sessions.

As good old Southern Baptists we normally are not accustomed to "spontaneous singing" or as Bob Kauflin puts it "prophetic" Please don't throw stones at me for quoting the word "prophetic." Do your homework first, then come back with discussion. Bob Kauflin, worship leader/song writer, felt an impression to sing a spontaneous song for those battling sexual sin or temptation. This occurred while we were singing a song called "It all because of Jesus."

I believe that this song will bless your hearts...especially those who struggle with this issue day in and day out. I would highly recommend visiting the Sovereign Grace Website and the New Attitude Conference Website and listening to the messages, investing in the books, attending the conferences, and praying for their ministry as so many have been blessed by this. (Links are provided at the side of the page).

I must say with great joy that this heart has been challenged, encouraged, exhorted, and confronted in the matters of genuine worship through singing, preaching, and scripture reading. I know that there are those who have really already got this down and are more mature in these matters...but please be patient with those, like me, that are just now beginning to understand just a small, tiny, microscopic view of the tip of the iceberg of joyful adoration of our Lord!!!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Let Everything that has breath Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

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